Appleton Road
As many can attest, Nantucket’s pristine landscape allows visitors to embark on a plethora of stunning outdoor activities. When the weather is good, the island is perfect for exploring Nantucket’s diverse nature. With accessible trails mounted throughout, locals jump at the chance to get outside and check out Nantucket’s unspoiled beauty. The thing is, many of the best hiking trails won’t show up on your Google search. One of those trails is found off Bartlett Road and Appleton. If you cruise down long enough, you’ll hit the end. A tiny dirt parking lot will be to your left, with a trailhead on your right signaling you’re in the right place. This hiking trail follows a small stream of water with forest scenery throughout. Keep going as you pass Miacomet pond until it spits you out at the beach.
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Posted by Kristen Slizgi
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