Huaca Pucllana
Only discovered in 1981, these ruins lay just a short walk north of Parque Kennedy in Miraflores. The ruins are from the time of the Lima people and believed to be constructed in 500 A.D. The pyramid was a solid structure built for religious ceremonies to worship the sea and the moon. After the Lima people, another tribe known as the Wari used the pyramid mainly as a cemetery, where many burials (including sacrificed children) have been unearthed. Excavations are still underway so you can only enter as part of a tour. Tours run frequently in English and Spanish and are included in the entrance price. There is also a fancy restaurant on site if you want to dine and look out over the ruins. #history #pyramid #archeologicalsite #tour #walkingtour #lima #miraflores #peru #southamerica
Posted by Jade Joass
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