Kristen Slizgi's experience in Tola
Playa Popoyo
Located in the laid-back fishing town of Las Salinas, this break is known for its clean and predictable waves. What makes this spot ideal for surfing is that it’s made up of both inner and outer reef. This allows surfers to ride waves depending on their preference. The inner reef is where you’ll most likely find the locals, meaning you’ll have to wait your turn. The outer reef is one of Nica’s most iconic breaks as it gives out more intense barrels. Only experienced surfers should give it a try. New surfers to this break should watch the locals paddle out first to see where to go. Otherwise, a ten-minute walk will get you to Beginners Bay which sits outside the surf and yoga lodge, Magnific Rock. Those looking for an easier ride can head there. #nicaragua #surf #surfspot
Posted by Kristen Slizgi
27 countries - 102 spots