Jade Joass's experience in Kamweno
South Luangwa National Park
If you've been on a few safaris attempting to spot the big 5 and haven't been able to spot an elusive Leopard, or just want to visit one place with huge viewing potential, South Luangwa is your best choice. This park is considered to be one of the greatest wildlife sanctuaries in the world, due to animal concentration, and I can certainly say we saw a huge amount during our various drives in the park. We chose to stay at Marula Lodge, a wonderful lodge offering a range of accommodation from backpacker dorms, safari tents by the river (with proper beds) to more upscale private cabins. You can choose a full board package, or pay for accommodation, food & game drives separately. We felt that the full board package was great value. Staying 2 nights in a tent on a full board package (all meals and game drives included) the cost was approx. $180US per person. (Disclaimer - we travelled in shoulder season therefore prices are subject to change depending on the time of year you travel) #safari #africa #africatravel #affordable #photography #animals #nature #gamedrive #wildlife
Posted by Jade Joass
93 countries - 329 spots