Nika Sumper's question in Malta

Attraction / Outdoor

What are the best things to do/places to see in Malta?:)

Easter time is really neat. Parades in the street and the popular “visti”. Even for non religious people this is a uniquely cultural experience.
Hey Nika, I went to Malta last summer. Valetta was gorgeous and San Giljan was poppin in terms of social life. Here- I made this list of places to see
All of Malta is beautiful. I was there last yesr again, I should make a list like did! Anyway, walk walk walk. Then get a boat/ferry somewhere else and walk some more.
Also I never got to see it,but heard Popeye village was cool. I always went jogging betwee Valetta and St Julian's bay, as Richard is saying - walk! There's a long winding road by the sea and a nice pedestrian area
There's an amazing temple on Gozo (small island next to Malta) Gozo is worth a visit just for that.