Kalee's question in Germany

Attraction / Food

Hello Travel Stoke world! Any tips on what to see in Münich and where to eat!? My time frame is only a day!

Hi Kalee, I have been there maybe 3 years ago. If you are interested in historical monuments I can recommend you to visit historic city center - you should start your walking through the oldtown city on Max-Joseph-Platz: 1. Bavarian national theater 2. New town hall/ Marienplatz 3. Viewpoint… 
Bavarian State Painting Collections - Alte or Neue Pinakothek
Thanks so much Ivan! The hop on hop off bus is a great idea we will be doing that for sure! ThAnks!
Hofbahous is fun. Just walk around and explore. If you have time take the hour train ride to Salzburg. It’s Amazing
Ans some nightlife https://travelstoke.matadornetwork.com/lists/Rw3WR4wv/
We had some bad luck maybe at Haufbrau Haus. We ordered a beerand git the menu. We sat and waited forever then they basically never came for our order of food. We were starving to death. So finally my fiancee said let's gust get up. We were out of our chairs about 25 percent and all of the sudden… 
Oh that sucks! We were on New Year’s Eve and had an absolute blast. We sat with some Italians we just met and everyone in the whole place was singing and dancing and having a great time. I’m sorry your experience wasn’t great