Santa Justa Lift
Santa Justa lift celebrated its centenary in 2002 making it as old as the oldest living person on earth. At the turn of the last century people wanted a means for tackling different street levels quickly and thus the evolution of Santa Justa lift was born.
I made an appearance one early December morning and stumbled on this savy design by chance. Constructed in Neo-Gothic style the left will take you up seven stories, 45 metres to eye level with Carmo Convent. The queue was negligible, owing to the time year and day I turned up - 8am one balmy December morning.
Opening times operate from 7am through to 11pm May to October and shut an hour earlier outside of those months. Entrance is a modest 5.15€ (or free if you avail a 24 hour pass for 6.40€).
#lift #views #kidslearning
Posted by Thomas MANDER-JONES
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