Rabten Choedarling
Randomly placed on an ordinary street of Liberec is a Buddhist centre and shop. A stupa lies in the garden and Tibetan flags are strewn between the trees. Anyone is welcome inside. It was a whimsical sight with yesterday's fallen snow. Access is through a small wooden gate almost directly opposite Husitská bus stop. Since the seventies Buddhist centres have carved their way into Central European society. Over time, practises have cropped up and Buddhist teachings have become more frequent in the Czech Republic. This centre came about at the turn of the millennium, after Rabten - a religious assistant to the Dalai Lama - made his first visit to Europe 30 years before. Opening times: Saturday Location: Kubelíkova 86/8, Janův Důl, 460 07 Liberec, The Czech Republic #buddhism #religion #statue
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