Royal palace
VIsiting Copenhagen on a budget!
Scandinavian countries is quite expensive specifically in Copenhagen with 25% add on tax on sales and services but you can still include it in your bucket list!
1.Download currency converter to estimate your day to day expenses because Denmark's currency is not euro but Danish Krone
2.You can stay in hostels or guesthouses: highly recommended for backpackers is #Generator hostel (where I stay)
3. Plan your itinerary (DIY) with the help of hop on hop of bus. I booked for #sightseeing tour Copenhagen but there are other companies.
4. Eat what the locals eat! There are various sandwiche stalls aroound the city try the Danish croissant etc!
5. Yes! You can drink tap water in Copenhagen!
You can survive with 33 euro per day in Copenhagen!
Posted by Francis jess
41 countries - 5 spots
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