'Lovelist of trees the cherry now. Is hung with bloom along the bough', writes A.E Housman and perambulating down Nádražní in Turnov brings this poem to the forefront of my thoughts. I later learned there are dozens of varieties of cherry blossoms, three of which stand along this stretch of town. April is the best time to catch them this year. Now the night frost has subsided you can bet your bottom dollar on having some delightful collisions with some pulchritudinous pinks! Isolated Tai-haku trees - also coined the Great White Cherry - cling on to grassy banks along highways, adding drama to the primaveral weather. It's pushing 15 degrees centigrade and I'm loathed to wear a winter coat until well after September over here.
#cherryblossoms #trees #spring #turnov #czechrepublic
Posted by Thomas MANDER-JONES
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