Ἀνεμόμυλοι Σελί Ἀμπέλου
If the Lasithi plateau is accessed from the north, you'll pass another attraction of the area. Whilst driving up, first there is the Homo Sapiens Museum which stands out because of the big white windmills. However, those are not originals, but still pretty to look at and to see what they once looked like. If the street is followed further upwards, at the highest point there are some ruins of the original windmills, which can be accessed and explored by taking the rocky and steep way up on foot (includes some climbing). From this point, you'll have a magnificent view over both the area north of the Lasithi plateau and over the plateau itself. #windmills #crete #lasithi #history #architecture #souvenirs
Posted by Karen Hanne
16 countries - 30 spots