Tricia's question in United States


Looking for a great hike - after I fly into Portland, Oregon.... any suggestions? I arrive on a Friday and depart Sunday (needs to be close to airport)

Hey Tricia, Check this out:
Multnomah Falls looks perfect! Thank you!!! :)
Please look at the trail closure list as you plan your trip!
Hey we had a massive forest fire in 2017 that took out many of the trails including the ones around Multnomah Falls, so when you continue to share outdated info, you’re sending hikers long distances to closed trails. Please consider this 2018 link to closed trails when sending people out:… 
wasn't aware! Thanks so much for letting me know; we'll get this updated right away
Yes, a group of teens, specifically one, threw lit fireworks from a trail in Eagle Creek and lit much of the surrounding area on uncontrollable fire for several days. Luckily, the Way fire travels much of the area is still green and many trails are or will be up and running in Summer but…