[CLOSED] Casa de los Muñecos
The house has a baroque style with three levels the first level is a restaurant and the lobby of the museum, in the second and the third the museum that is part of the university BUAP with several galleries. The owner Agustín Ovando, wanted a big house but it wasn't allowed to have a higher house than the municipal palace, so the councilors stopped the construction of the house, he had to travel to Spain and ask permission to the king to allow him to finish his home the king give him permission to complete the construction. He has been humiliated by the councilors he took revenge and ridiculed them in the form of cartoons in the facade of the house other versions mentioned that they are part of a dance in which Hercules killed a snake. #architecture #food #history #fine-dining #art #museum #baroque #storytelling
Posted by Josh Cervantes
3 countries - 11 spots