Campement Touristique le Baol
On a visit to Touba at a hotel in neighbouring Mbacke, I had a serendipitous sighting with this prepossessing creature. It was perched on a utility pole opposite the courtyard where I was having breakfast. At the time I had no idea of its name and at first glance could have easily mistaken it for a kingfisher. Evidently kingfishers are not found in such urbanised areas, often seen along waterways and river banks.
I later discovered that the abyssinian roller takes on completely different traits to that of its similar looking cousin. Characteristically the roller is bold and non fearing. It feeds on rodents and has been known for shooting into lines of forest fires in the hope for catching fleeing pray. A brave bird at that. The roller stood almost motionless during my breakfast and was still there until I'd checked out.
#photography #utilitypole #turquoise
Posted by Thomas MANDER-JONES
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