Nam Sang Wai Little Wooden Bridge
In the very northern end of Hong Kong, right before heading into the border into China, Nam Sang Wai, is a wetland park beloved by locals. It’s serene and extremely scenic. Wheat grass fields and a walkway lined with eucalyptus trees that lead to a wooden dock into the marshlands attracts locals here for photo shoots. There are two ways to get to Nam Sang Wei. The easiest is to hop onto a taxi and get off outside the wetland on Nam Sang Wei Road, the other is to take reach just outside its ferry pier and board a small wooden boat across the river. There is also a small store right before the fork that turns into the wetland which makes their own tofu desert. Along the wetland are small farmlands that travelers can also explore. #namsangwai #wetland #park #hongkong #todo #cultural #nature
Posted by Alison Fung
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