Kati Hetrick's question in Japan


In need of an English translator for November 10 in Chiba, JP for a film project we're working on. Willing to pay for their time if anyone knows anyone.

Exact hours and pay? I have loads of friends in the area that might be interested in they're available.
Rad! It's at the Chiba university and we're hoping to keep it around 13000-14000Y / 120/130 USD. It's nov 10 at 15:00. If you know anyone let us know!
Do you know how many hours? About what time you'll finish? I'm asking because I know my friends will ask me this.
No no thanks for asking. No more than 4 hours. Probably less honestly
I found you someone. Can you private message me with your email so I can connect you?
Hi Amelia! I'm so so sorry I missed this. The trip was a whirlwind and I got desperate and hired someone offline. You're amazing for looking and I thank you so so much for your help. Hope to meet next time I'm out in Japan