Parco Ciani
One of the most picturesque areas to visit in downtown Lugano has to be that of Park Ciani. It's mentioned in a lot of vlogs and blogs and allured me to visit before even stepping foot on Swiss soil.
The gardens are eye-catching and what makes it special is its proximity to the lake shore and backdrop of mountains. Dolly birds in fancy dresses strike poses in front of Apple phones as couples walk hand-in-hand with glee. There are no glum faces in this corner of Ticino's capital.
Every few yards within Ciani's boundary is photoworthy and then there's Villa Ciani. This peach coloured facade compliments the grounds and with the symmetrical flower beds it's a picture in front of a cloudless sky in summer.
#gardens #treesandplants #park #entrance #villa #lugano
Posted by Thomas MANDER-JONES
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