Piazza della Riforma
On Piazza della Riforma you could be almost anywhere in Europe but this is Lugano, Switzerland; the land known for high prices and mountains. One cappuccino on the square isn't that expensive though at a reasonable four euros. I'd pay one euro just to sit on one of the tables shaded from the sun for an hour and the coffee isn't bad. Staff in any number of cafes around the perimetre are courteous and helpful.
If only to sit and people watch in any one of these locations, it's a spot worth coming to. I enjoyed picking out different languages that I heard spoken from passersby after estimating where folk were from by their appearance.
The square lies just one block from the lake and busy Riva Vincenzo, one of the major thoroughfares of the city.
#city #lake #square #piazza #coffee #lugano
Posted by Thomas MANDER-JONES
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